
Study In New Zealand Lincoln University International Scholarships 2024-2025 – Apply Today

Qualifying international students will be granted a scholarship worth NZ$7,000 or NZ$10,000 towards the entire cost of their study in any of the scholarship types

The scholarship was established to enable students to pursue undergraduate, postgraduate, PhD studies and research at Lincoln University.


No additional application is needed. Lincoln will automatically analyze and offer a scholarship to qualified international students.

Scholarship Overview

Host Country: New Zealand.
Application Deadline: 30 June 2024 for Semester 2 and 31 October for Summer School start.
Result Announcement Dates: Just after the application deadline
Funding type: partially funded.
Host Institution: Lincoln University.
Eligible Countries: All
Eligible Gender: Male or Female
Target Audience: International students looking for undergraduate, postgraduate, and travel programs.
Fields of study include business, finance, accounting, agribusiness, agricultural systems, sports and recreation, tourism, applied computing, pest management, food innovation, environmental policy and management, wine and viticulture, and precision agriculture.
Study Level: Undergraduate and postgraduate (including taught master’s programs)
Duration: varies according to scholarship and program duration.
Program Language: English


Scholarship Benefits

Lincoln University International Undergraduate Scholarships.

Lincoln University offers up to ten merit-based prizes, each worth NZ$3,000, to international undergraduate students.

These scholarships are credited directly to the grantees’ Lincoln University tuition fee accounts once they have enrolled in any of the university’s undergraduate courses.

Undergraduate Vice-Chancellor’s Scholarship at Lincoln University.

A handful of scholarships worth NZ$5,000 are being granted. These money will be credited to the scholarship recipients’ Lincoln University tuition fee accounts once their registration is confirmed.

International School high school Scholarship at Lincoln University

Lincoln University is offering up to ten scholarships for international school leavers, each worth NZ $10,000. These scholarships will be credited as a credit to the awardee’s accounts for tuition Lincoln University, contingent upon their confirmed enrollment in one of the university’s undergraduate bachelor’s degree programs.


Lincoln University International Scholarship Eligibility

To be eligible for scholarships at Lincoln University, students must meet the following conditions for each scholarship:

Proficiency in English is required.

Open to applications from any country in the world.

Lincoln University International School Leavers’ Scholarship:

  • Must be a first-time international student enrolling or planning to enroll in an undergraduate bachelor’s degree at Lincoln University.
  • Must have recently graduated from a New Zealand high school or an abroad equivalent.
  • Cannot be the recipient of another scholarship.
  • Must meet all immigration requirements for studying in New Zealand.
  • Must achieve all academic and English language admission standards.
  • Lincoln University’s International Undergraduate Scholarship:
  • Must be a new-to-program international student registering or preparing to register for an
  • undergraduate degree in the 2024 academic year. At Lincoln University.
  • Cannot be the Applicant for another scholarship.
  • To study in New Zealand, you must first meet all of the immigration criteria.
  • To be admitted, you must meet all academic and English language criteria for Lincoln
  • University Undergraduate Vice-Chancellor’s Scholarship:
  • Must be an international student who has not previously enrolled in any academic program at Lincoln University.
  • Must meet the academic and English language admission requirements for their selected program at Lincoln University.
  • Must meet all immigration requirements for studying in New Zealand.
  • Cannot hold more than one scholarship at the same time.

How to apply?

Please click here for all the necessary information and links to apply for any of the scholarships.
Official Website