
The Benefits of a Structured Settlement Annuity

A tax-free stream of payments, known as a structured settlement, is sometimes given to an injured party. Settlement funds usually compensate parties for losses or harm resulting from court actions.

Payments for structured settlements are assured. They are not impacted by fluctuations in the market like stocks, bonds, and mutual funds. Although you may lessen temptation by spreading out payments over time, once the terms of a structured settlement are established, there isn’t much you can do to renegotiate.


Structured settlements are frequently utilized in wrongful death, workers’ compensation, and personal injuries. Regular, tax-free payments are made by a structured settlement, also known as a structured payment or structured settlement annuity. Legal settlements and personal injury claims are frequently used for them.

For people who are getting paid for a personal injury settlement and would like to receive income monthly or annually, a structured settlement annuity is a great option. This article will cover the fundamentals of a structured settlement annuity and why it’s a useful tool for distributing settlement money for clients.


Definition of Structured Annuity Settlements

A court settlement disbursed as an annuity rather than a single lump sum payment is a structured settlement. In most cases, a structured settlement saves the party paying the settlement some money while simultaneously offering tax benefits to the recipient.

In many legal cases, one party or a business pays another party money to make amends. If someone is judged to be at fault, they could accept the settlement on their own, or they might be made to pay it if they lose in court.

Structured settlements are often voluntary agreements made by the aggrieved person and the defendant; normally, both parties can choose between a lump-sum payout and a structured settlement.

The mistreated person may accept a lump-sum settlement if the financial amount is minimal. However, a structured settlement annuity is typically set up for larger amounts. This choice is frequently influenced by several variables, including the recipient’s financial preferences and needs, future financial planning needs, tax implications, and the general negotiating process between the parties.


The at-fault party invests the proceeds of a structured settlement toward an annuity, a financial instrument offered by an insurance provider that ensures steady payments over time.

The succession of payments that the awarded party will get as compensation for the injury that was done to them is also specified in the agreement. Since the beneficiary cannot consume the payment stream rapidly, spreading the money over a longer time provides a higher assurance of financial stability.

How Structured Settlements Work

In litigation, the losing party (or the losing party’s insurance company) buys an annuity that precisely meets the requirements for paying the winning party. The annuity cannot be transferred, assigned, or commutated. This implies that under no circumstances can anybody (including creditors) alter or terminate the annuity.

The insurance sector often guarantees annuity payments for a predetermined amount of time, but the original defendant ultimately makes all payments to the claimant. The initial decades of a life annuity or a fixed-term contract may constitute the “guarantee period.”

Discussing and including the right to arrange a settlement in the written settlement agreement during the settlement process is necessary. The defendant or their agent must transfer the money used to buy the annuity to the annuity firm or one of its representatives.

You can’t accept settlement money and then buy your structured settlement annuity. In actuality, the insurance company or defendant must buy the annuity. A claimant should ensure that their attorney holds the right to organize any portion of the payment during the weeks preceding settlement.

Legal settlements that insurance companies eventually pay out give rise to structured settlements. However, the operation of structured settlements involves four parties.

Those Taking Part in a Structured Settlement:

  • Claimant: the person who was hurt. The person making the claim sues the person they believe is at fault for the harm.
  • Defendant: the person the claimant is suing. The defendant may put up a structured settlement to pay back the compensation if they settle out of court or lose the case.
  • Assignment Company: The defendant transfers their duties to the claimant to make installments from the settlement by entering into a qualified assignment with their insurance provider. An assignment business that accepts this duty receives a transfer of the obligation.
  • Insurance Company: Typically, life insurance firms collaborate with assignment companies. For the annuity’s contract term, the assignment business purchases a structured settlement annuity from the life insurance provider and pays the claimant. Even though the plan may seem convoluted, its goal is to return damages and compensation to the claimant.

Structured Settlement Benefits

  • Guaranteed Payments: At the outset of the transaction, the parties agree on the payment schedule. The claimant thereby gains a consistent stream of secure, dependable income.
  • Rate of return guaranteed: The rate of return on structured settlement payments is fixed. This shields wounded plaintiffs against fluctuations in the market.
  • No expenses or overhead fees: Structured settlements have favorable tax treatment and no overhead costs.
  • Because of this, they may still compete with traditional investments.

Types of Structured Settlement Payments

Annuities are commonly used for the distribution of structured settlement payments. The kind of annuity chosen will determine the payment schedules.

  • Temporary life annuity: While temporary life annuities payout for the duration of your life, they leave no money for beneficiaries upon your passing.
  • Lump sum: Certain annuities make one large payment at a later time. In certain cases, your beneficiary would get that amount on the specified date if you pass away before then.
  • Life Contingent: If you pass away before the date specified in your lump sum agreement, your beneficiary will not get any money.
  • Joint and survivor annuity: Periodic payments are made to your beneficiary by joint and survivor annuities, which continue even after your death.