Top 10 Ways Pet Owners Can Make Their Dogs Healthier and Happier

Taking good care of your pet is essential to being a responsible pet owner. Dogs may be such happiness machines when given the proper care, adding unmatched vitality and optimism to homes. When a dog is kept happy, the phrase “man’s best friend” accurately describes them.

However, it’s crucial to understand what makes dogs happy and to supply them with those things in the healthiest, most responsible manner possible. Owners of dogs frequently feel powerless when something bad happens to their pets.

Proper preventative care will help minimize the need for veterinary care, providing you with peace of mind. Naturally, give your veterinarian a call if you have any concerns about your pet’s well-being; they will be pleased to offer you advice on your dog’s health.

Ensuring your dog’s happiness and well-being is crucial for being a conscientious pet owner. The key to keeping your pet happy and content is spending quality time with it and providing it with lots of love, care, and mental stimulation. Although the needs of various breeds will vary, we’ve put together some tried-and-true advice for increasing your dog’s enjoyment level.

Top 10 Ways Pet Owners Can Make Their Dogs Healthier and Happier

Table of Contents

Pet Owners Can Make Their Dogs Healthier and Happier

1. Give priority to preventative pet health care

Your duty as a responsible pet owner is to keep up with the preventive treatment that keeps your pet healthy, whether monthly flea, tick, and heartworm prevention or annual wellness vet appointments. A happy pet is well! Pet vaccinations guard against infectious diseases that can harm or even kill your dog or cat.

Even if your pet is kept inside, vaccinations are still recommended because many infectious diseases can spread through the air or have a long half-life. (One excellent resource for inexpensive immunizations is The Animal Foundation.) “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure” also applies to prevention, and it’s usually less expensive in the long run.

2. Look After Your Pet’s Dental Health

Good oral and dental hygiene can help prevent gum disease, tooth decay, and bad breath, just like it can for people. It can also help your pet maintain their teeth as they age. It’s common for dogs and cats to have discomfort and issues, such as a chipped tooth in their mouth, without their owners realizing it.

This is why yearly dental examinations and cleanings are crucial. Select toys and sweets wisely; squishy is preferable versus firm. Recall that routine dental care can avoid expensive tooth extractions. Although brushing your pet’s teeth once a week can assist, veterinarians now advise daily brushing. Also, prescription dental treatments like OraVet can help if brushing is difficult.

3. Prevent Your Pet From Being Overweight

According to the Association for Pet Obesity Prevention, 55% of cats and 53% of adult dogs are overweight or obese in the United States. Even if you may believe your pet’s weight is normal, research found that 15% of cat owners and 22% of dog owners said their pets were overweight or obese. Obesity and excess weight in pets can lead to several health issues, including diabetes, high blood pressure, kidney disease, arthritis, certain malignancies, heart disease, and respiratory problems.

Both inactivity and constant feeding are factors that lead to pets getting overweight. Managing your pet’s diet and exercise schedule is crucial to being a conscientious pet owner.

Pet Owners Can Make Their Dogs Healthier and Happier

4. Give Your Pet More Time to Play

Don’t let your schedule prevent you from playing occasionally! Play is essential for adult cats, dogs, kittens, and puppies. (And it might help you decompress a lot!) Maintaining the mental and physical health of your pet is equally vital. Teaching your dog a new skill or engaging in more structured activities like agility or obedience training can be considered “play.”

Utilize your pet’s aptitude for problem-solving by giving them a treat-dispensing toy or by turning common toys like hide-and-seek into games. Both you and your pet will feel better the more you play with them.

5. Get them to socialize

A well-socialized dog improves its owner. Not only is it terrible to deny our dog’s socialization with humans and other animals, but it can also set them up for future aggression.

You must expose your new puppy to a range of circumstances and experiences from an early age to guarantee that it develops into a well-mannered, seasoned, and peaceful dog. By providing a pleasant early experience, you may assist your dog in building confidence.

Try these steps to accomplish this:

  • Introduce other pets to your dog: Your dog will be safe going on walks and visiting other people’s homes if you ensure they know how to get along with other animals. Additionally, it’s a terrific way for your dog to play and meet new people!
  • Take your dog on adventures: You can acclimate your dog to various situations by traveling with you. Your dog may encounter uncomfortable situations in public transportation, crowded cities, and expansive beaches. Still, if you accompany them and ensure a nice experience, it won’t affect them in the long run.

6. Visit the vet with your dog

A proactive pet owner is a good one. Taking your dog for routine examinations allows you to monitor their health and identify any possible issues early on. Puppies should visit the veterinarian every three to four weeks to ensure proper growth and administer their immunizations.

A yearly examination is sufficient for adult dogs, and a six-monthly examination for seniors will ensure that any possible health problems are promptly addressed. This is common counsel for the typical pet owner. But you should watch your dog’s conduct at all times. Because our animal companions are experts at concealing sickness and wounds, keep an eye out for the following:

⦁ Modification of appetite
⦁ Behaving distant
⦁ Being overly attached
⦁ Barking or moaning
⦁ Closing up
⦁ Overindulgent licking

This is common counsel for the typical pet owner. But you should watch your dog’s conduct at all times.

7. Invest in dog microchipping

In most nations, getting your dog microchipped is now required by law. As a responsible pet owner, you should ensure your dog is microchipped for its safety. A microchip is a small chip that displays an ID number when scanned. It is quickly and easily placed between your dog’s shoulder blades, beneath the skin. Your contact information will be stored in a database, and the ID number will link to your profile.

When a lost dog is brought to an animal shelter or veterinarian, they will check to see if it has a microchip. They will then be able to contact the owner and quickly return the puppy to its home.
Your dog can be misidentified as a stray if they lose their identity without a chip. This might result in their adoption being considered or perhaps their death.

8. Make certain they have mental stimulation

Mental stimulation is vital for dogs. These intelligent animals might become withdrawn, nervous, or even melancholy if they don’t have enough stimulation and enjoyment. Walking and exposing them to different sights and smells can be fantastic, but sticking to the same schedule daily or leaving your dog alone for extended periods might lead to issues.

To combat this, consider the following:

⦁ Purchase toys: Not every puppy needs toys, but every dog should have access to toys that appeal to different brain regions. For reward-based activity, try puzzle feeders; for quality bonding time, try a tug-of-war rope.
⦁ Play that is interactive: It’s crucial to rely on more than just toys. In addition to giving you and your dog a chance to bond, interactive play may be an enjoyable and stimulating exercise. Try some racing or hide-and-seek!
⦁ Training: Having a well-mannered dog can simplify your life. However, did you realize that training sessions would truly provide your dog with joy? Yes, that is accurate! In addition to wanting to please us, our furry pals enjoy learning. Teaching them a new skill will pique their interest, lift their spirits, and strengthen your relationship with them.

9. Make sure they exercise a lot

Exercise is an essential part of life for dogs. Their strong, muscular legs and excellent endurance make their physical makeup ideal for running, and they will naturally feel the need to run. If you don’t work out often, you could risk:

  • Your dog is gaining weight: Ensuring it is at the proper weight is crucial. Being overweight can place excessive strain on the heart, muscles, and joints and cause other health issues.
  • Your dog is anxious: Your dog might be anxious if they don’t get any exercise. Their fight-or-flight response may be triggered by ongoing stress, resulting in worry, sadness, or even the need to flee.
  • Degeneration of your dog’s bones and joints: If your dog’s muscles and joints are not used regularly, they will degenerate, resulting in severe discomfort and chronic fatigue.
    The psychological advantages of going outside and exploring are frequently overlooked, even though the physical benefits of exercise may be clear. Be careful to let your dog sniff during your stroll. Please don’t take away from them their innate desire to explore new odors and mark their territory.

10. Give your dog a nutritious, well-balanced diet

Dogs require a proper diet to keep healthy and prevent illnesses as humans do. But is your dog healthy enough to eat any store-bought dog food? When selecting dog food, it’s advisable to conduct the study.

Regardless of your decision, ensure your dog receives all the required nutrients. Consult your veterinarian if you need clarification on whether your dog is receiving enough nutrients, and find out if a food adjustment or supplementation is needed.

Final Words

Your reading this post demonstrates your love for your furry friend, not everyone wonders how to be a good dog owner! Keeping your dog content is easy. Together, explore the world and give them lots of hugs and kisses.