
Africa Nursing Scholarship 2024/2025 – APPLY NOW

Africa Nursing Scholarship; African Scholarships pay fees & living stipend to nursing students. Scholarships & grants for nurses, midwives & health visitors for study, research, travel, conferences.

Africa Nursing Scholarship; African Scholarships pay fees & living stipend to nursing students.


Scholarships & grants for nurses, midwives & health visitors for study, research, travel, conferences.

Africa Nursing Scholarship

(APCA) The African Palliative Care Associations, of Africa Nursing Scholarship in partnership with the previously the Foundation for Hospices in Sub Saharan Africans ( FHSSA ) is offering a few numbers of scholarships annually for the Palliative Care Training opportunities for interested nurses in Africa. The Scholarship fund was founded by an generous undisclosed donation made in honor of Defilippi Kath, the active founding Board Chairperson of the African Palliative Care Association in recognize of her career achievements as a nurse in palliative care in Africa


Scholarships provided is up to US$ 4,000 through Africa Nursing Scholarship application provided each year.

The African Palliative Care Associations, of Africa Nursing Scholarship in partnership with the previously the Foundation for Hospices in Sub Saharan Africans ( FHSSA ) Is presenting a great career opportunity for Registered and Enrolled nurses to continue their educational palliative care training in Africa.

They scholarship board is also willing to possible consider one scholarship for a (E. learning) distance Learning for Masters programme, when the need arise for the career objectives of the enrolled student (i.e. Registered or Enrolled Nurse) and in line with the policy of the palliative care development in Africa.

Travel expenses is also been cover for palliative care conferences, don’t miss this great opportunity to be party of the development of palliative care nurses in Africa.


Benefits of the Africa Nursing Scholarship

The Scholarship provides support fund of US$4,000 to each successful admitted or enrolled applicants for palliative care education and training at any recognized institutions in Africa for.
Training programme offered by the Africa Nursing Scholarships include:

  • Degree in Bachelor of Science in Palliative Care
  • Palliative care initiators course
  • Diploma in Palliative Care for Distance Learning
  • Nurses Prescribers’ trainings

Additionally, the founders of the Africa nursing scholarships fund will provide sponsorship of about US$500 to each person for up to 5 qualified nurses to attend and gives a presentation to African national and international conferences on palliative care with an objective of building and enhancing their presentation skills and giving them a opportunity to network with other Palliative Care providers.
A contribution of up to USD $4,000 to one distance learning Masters training in palliative care may be considered each year.

Note: this list is not exhaustive and is presented as an indication of what the fund will cover.
However, its advice you note that, their other appropriate training opportunities presents to Africa for nurses related to palliative care may also be considered for funding coverage be the scholarships founders.

Application Criteria for the 2024 Africa Nursing Scholarships & Grants

Interested Applicants for the 2024 Africa Nursing Scholarship must met the following criterial:
Must Be a Registered Nurse or an Enrolled Nurse and with evidence that they will be able to continue providing palliative care after their training

  • Note that please a supporting letter from head of institution you enrolled must be confirming this.
  • Residing and practicing nursing in Africa
  • Have applied for the course they wish to study, an acceptance should be attached to the application
  • Must have complete the application form and attach all necessary documents needed.